Emre Mh. 3856 St. No:2 Teraspark Evleri B/18 ISPARTA
Miraculous touch to your health
Ozone Therapy (Ozone Therapy)
Latest, innovative and effective treatment
Restore your health with activated oxygen!. It is now possible to treat many diseases by increasing your body resistance.
The benefits of ozone therapy ;

It is frequently used in rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune diseases such as Behçet's and psoriasis.

It is an effective treatment method in neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, stroke, epilepsy, migraine and vertigo.

Celiac disease, ulcerative colon and chron's disease, which are gastrointestinal diseases such as ulcer, reflux, gastritis, spastic colon, indigestion, hemorrhoids, anal fissure and fistula

In occlusive vascular diseases, venous insufficiency and related venous ulcers

Wrist, elbow, knee and joint pain

In respiratory diseases (asthma, bronchitis, COPD), it regulates your breathing especially after Covid.

It regulates blood circulation and provides treatment in cardiovascular diseases.

Cancer prevention, cancer treatment, side effects, cancer
in the treatment of associated symptoms

It provides support in the treatment of diabetes, hypertension and cholesterol.

It strengthens immunity. It improves dialysis-related weakness, fatigue and sleep problems.

It helps you lose weight in obesity.

It is protective against aging. It provides a younger and more vibrant skin appearance.