Emre Mh. 3856 St. No:2 Teraspark Evleri B/18 ISPARTA
Miraculous touch to your health
Healing from China to the whole world method
Acupuncture, which is performed with traditional methods in the treatment of many ailments, is applied by a specialist physician in our clinic. Acupuncture, which heals the body, is applied in many ailments from pain treatment to diabetes complaints.
The benefits of ozone therapy ;
It provides a powerful treatment for all headache complaints, including migraine.
Neck, waist, back pain that does not go away
Fibromyalgia and widespread body pain
Wrist, knee, elbow and joint pain
In the treatment of obesity, it reduces appetite and increases fat burning. It allows you to lose weight.
It is effective in the treatment of smoking, alcohol and substance abuse.
Respiratory system diseases in allergic diseases (allergic rhinitis, urticaria)
in the treatment
Provides supportive treatment in psychological diseases such as depression and anxiety.
Cosmetic acupuncture corrects sagging and wrinkles on your skin,
It provides a lively and youthful appearance.